“And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to everyone according to his work.” - Revelation 22:12
Kempton New Church

Week 6
Day 4


Psalms Celebrating Redemption and Salvation by the Lord

“Happy is the man who fears Jehovah.”

Psalm 112




Happy is the man◦ who fears Jehovah;


In His commandments he delights exceedingly.


Mighty on the earth shall be his seed;


The generation of the upright shall be blessed.


Wealth and riches are in his house;


And his justice stands for ever.


There rises light in the darkness for the upright;


Gracious is he, and compassionate, and just.


The good man◦ is gracious and lends;


He shall maintain his words in judgment.


For to eternity he shall not be moved;


The just shall be for an eternal remembrance.


He shall not fear an evil report;


His heart is prepared, trusting in Jehovah.


His heart is supported, he shall not fear,


Even while he is looking upon his adversaries.


He has scattered, he has given to the needy;


His justice stands forever;


His horn shall be exalted with glory.


The wicked one shall see and be provoked;


He shall gnash his teeth and melt;


The lusting of the wicked shall perish.

versestopicSummary of the Spiritual Sense
1-4, 917He that trusts in the Lord and lives well will be saved.
8, 1017He will have no fear of the hells, however much they may rise up against Him.

Hallelu-Jah! (v. 1)

AC 8267:2. “Jah” is from “Jehovah”.... “Jah” [refers to] the Divine truth proceeding from the Divine Human of the Lord....

AR 803. By “Alleluia7” in the Hebrew language is signified, “Praise God.” Therefore it was an expression of thanks- giving, confession, and celebration of the Lord from joy of heart....

In His commandments he delights exceedingly (v. 1).

Life 57. As by means of this Law [the Ten Commandments] there is a conjunction of the Lord with man and of man with the Lord, it is called the “Covenant” and the “Testimony,” the “Covenant” because it conjoins, and the “Testimony” because it bears witness, for a “covenant” signifies conjunction, and a “testimony” the attestation of it. For this reason there were two tables, one for the Lord and the other for man. The conjunction is effected by the Lord, but only when the man does the things that have been written in his table. For the Lord is constantly present and working, and He wills to enter in, but man must open to the Lord in the freedom which he has from Him; for the Lord says:

Behold, I stand at the door, and knock; if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will have supper with him, and he with Me (Rev. 3:20).

Life 58. In the second table, which is for man, it is not said that man must do this or that good, but that he must not do this or that evil, as for example, “Thou shalt not murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Thou shalt not covet.” The reason is that man cannot do any good whatever from himself, but when he no longer does evils, then he does good, not from himself but from the Lord.

Wealth and riches are in his house (v. 3).

AR 206. By “riches” and “wealth” in the Word are signified spiritual riches and wealth, which are the knowledges of truth and good.

The good man is gracious and lends (v. 5).

AC 9174:5. “To lend...” is to abound in the goods of intelligence and wisdom, and to communicate them to others out of this abundance; and not to be in need of the goods of others, because all things are given him by the Lord.

7“Alleluia” is the Greek spelling of the Hebrew “Hallelu-Jah.”

Questions and Comments
  1. The first word of this psalm (like the first word of the Book of Psalms) is “Happy.” What are the keys to being happy? What does the psalm suggest?
  2. Why did the Lord give us the Ten Commandments? What is His goal? How do we participate?
  3. Why does it say that we cannot do any good from ourselves? Why are the Commandments negative?
  4. How do we lend to each other spiritually? How is this a part of being happy?
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