“All religion is of life; and the life of religion is to do good.” - Doctrine of Life §1
Kempton New Church

Week 6
Day 3


Psalms Celebrating Redemption and Salvation by the Lord

“The beginning of wisdom is the fear of Jehovah.”

Psalm 111




I will confess4 to Jehovah in all my heart,


In the secret council of the upright and in the congregation.


Great are the deeds of Jehovah,


Inquired after by all those who delight in them.


Majesty and honor are His work;


And His justice stands forever.


He has made a remembrance of His wonders;


Gracious and compassionate is Jehovah .


He has given food5 to those who fear Him;


He will remember His covenant to eternity.


The power of His deeds has He told to His people,


To give to them the heritage of the nations.


The deeds of His hands are truth and judgment;


Faithful are all His precepts.


They are supported forever to eternity,


Done in truth and uprightness.


Redemption has He sent for His people;


He has commanded His covenant to eternity;


Holy and fearsome is His name.


The beginning of wisdom is the fear of Jehovah;


A good intelligence have all those who do them6;


His praise stands for ever.

versestopicSummary of the Spiritual Sense
1-416Celebration and confession of the Lord;
5-917He redeemed men, and saves to eternity;
1017to worship Him is wisdom.

He will remember His covenant to eternity.

AC 9849. It is said of Jehovah in the Word, that is, of the Lord, that He “remembers,” and that He “does not remember,” and by this is signified that it is then done from mercy, whether it is preservation or deliverance. In like manner it is said that He “sees,” “hears,” and “knows,” and that He “does not see,” “hear,” and “know.” By these expressions also is signified having compassion, or not having compassion. The reason it is said this way is from the likeness and appearance with man. For when a man turns away from the Lord, as is the case when he does evil, then, because the Lord is at his back, it appears to him as if the Lord does not see him, does not hear him, and does not know him, and also does not remember him, when yet this is [the case] with the man; and therefore from the appearance it is so said in the Word. It is very different when a man turns toward the Lord, as is the case when he acts well.... Everyone can know that calling to mind, or remembering, cannot be said of the Lord, because things past and future are eternal in Him, that is, are present from eternity to eternity.

AE 701. When Divine truth or the Word is received by man, conjunction with the Lord takes place, and this conjunction is what is signified by “covenant.”

How conjunction of the Lord with man and of man with the Lord takes place shall also be told in a few words. The Lord continually flows into all men with light that enlightens, and with the affection of knowing and understanding truths, also for willing and doing them. And since that light and that affection continually flow in from the Lord, it follows that man becomes rational to the extent that he receives that light, and he becomes wise and is led by the Lord so far as he receives that affection. That affection with its light draws to itself and conjoins to itself the truths that man from infancy has learned from the Word.... From this conjunction, man’s spiritual love or affection is formed, through which he is conjoined to the Lord, that is, through which the Lord conjoins man to Himself.

4The underlined words are those that begin with the Hebrew letter shown.

5As in AC 9849:2, but literally, “prey”

6AR 527:2 and AE 696:21 indicate that the word “them” here refers to the commandments, mentioned in verse 9.

Questions and Comments
  1. What is your favorite verse in this psalm?
  2. This is called an “acrostic” psalm, meaning that each line begins with a different Hebrew letter in alphabetical order. It illustrates that every letter in Hebrew has a spiritual meaning.
  3. “‘To fear God’ means to love the things which belong to God by doing them, and by not willing to do those which are against Him” (AR 527:2). In the Word He teaches us what things belong to Him so that we can do them, and become wise, and be conjoined with Him. Compare this with a friendship or marriage.
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