The Internal Sense of the Tribe of Levi Generally
AC 3875:5. As by the expression “to cleave,” from which Levi was named, there is signified spiritual love, which is the same as mutual love, by the same expression in the original tongue there is also signified a mutual giving and receiving; and in the Jewish Church by mutual giving and receiving there was represented mutual love.... Mutual love differs from friendship in this respect—that mutual love regards the good which is in a man, and because it is directed to good, it is directed to him who is in good. But friendship regards the man; and friendship also is mutual love when it regards the man from good, or for the sake of good. But when it does not regard him from good or for the sake of good, but for the sake of self, which it calls good, then friendship is not mutual love, but approaches the love of self, and so far as it approaches this, so far it is opposite to mutual love. In itself, mutual love is nothing else than charity toward the neighbor; for by the neighbor in the internal sense nothing else is signified than good, and in the supreme sense the Lord, because all good is from Him, and He is good itself... This mutual love or charity toward the neighbor is what is meant by spiritual love and is signified by “Levi.”
AR 357. Of the tribe of Levi were sealed twelve thousand, signifies the affection of truth from good, from which comes intelligence with those who will be of the Lord’s New Heaven and New Church. By “Levi,” in the highest sense, is signified love and mercy; in the spiritual sense, charity in act, which is the good of life; and, in the natural sense, consociation and conjunction. He was also so called from “cleaving,” by which, in the Word, is signified conjunction through love.
But here by “Levi” is signified the love or affection of truth, and thence intelligence, because it follows after Simeon and forms the middle in this series. Since Levi represented these things, therefore this tribe was appointed to the priesthood... That the tribe of Levi signifies the love of truth, which is the essential love from which the church is a church, and thence intelligence, may appear from these passages:
The sons of Levi are chosen by Jehovah to minister unto Him, and to bless in His name (Deut. 21:5).
“To bless in the name of Jehovah” is to teach, which only those who are in the affection of truth, and thence in intelligence, can do.
They guard Thy Word, and keep Thy covenant; they shall teach Jacob Thy judgments, and Israel Thy law (Deut. 33:8-11).
The Lord shall suddenly come to His temple, and He shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver, and He shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver (Mal. 3:1, 3).
“To purify the sons of Levi” is to purify those who are in the affection of truth.
As that affection flourishes from intelligence, therefore:
The rod of Levi, upon which was written the name of Aaron, blossomed with almonds (Num. 17:2-11).
Questions and Comments
- AC 3875:5 explains how the name “Levi” signifies mutual love. What is mutual love? How does mutual love make heaven and the church? How does the inheritance of Levi represent the role of mutual love in heaven and the church?
- “The tribe of Levi signifies the love of truth, which is the essential love from which the church is a church” (AR 357). How can this be seen in the inheritance of Levi?
- What can we do to receive the inheritance of Levi no matter where we are in the church?
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