“The Lord God Jesus Christ reigns, whose kingdom shall be for ages of ages.” - True Christian Religion §791
Kempton New Church

Day 17: March 12


And answering, Jesus said, teaching in the temple, How do the scribes say that the Christ is the son of David? For David himself said in the Holy Spirit, The Lord said to my Lord, Sit Thou on My right hand, till I put Thine enemies as a footstool of Thy feet. David therefore himself calls Him Lord; and whence is He his son? And the numerous crowd heard Him with pleasure. (Mark 12:35-37)

I was once allowed to speak with Mary the mother of Jesus. She happened to be passing, and appeared in heaven above my head, dressed in white garments that looked like silk. Then she paused for a moment to say that she had been the Lord’s mother, and He was born to her, but became God putting off everything human He had from her, and she therefore worships Him as her God, and she did not want anyone to acknowledge Him as her Son, because all the Divine is in Him. (True Christian Religion 102:3)


In the Word, Jesus is called the Son of David, and by tradition He is called the son of Mary. But it is important to understand that Jesus is God and these human connections were chosen for their symbolism. David for the symbolism of royalty which is Divine Truth and Judgement. Mary for her innocent willingness to serve when called on. No human being has a special claim on the Lord. We can all have this connection to the extent we embody these qualities.

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