“And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to everyone according to his work.” - Revelation 22:12
Kempton New Church

Autumn 2017

Dear Neighbor,

As people living in a Christian country, we are so blessed to have access to the Word of the Lord in the Old and New Testaments. Less than a third of the world’s population is able to read the Lord’s Word. But we can read the Bible every day! We can even listen to it on our commute to work.

Why would we take time to read the Word? One reason is to follow Jesus’ example. Even when He was only 12 years old, the learned teachers in the Temple were amazed at His understanding and answers as they discussed the Scriptures (Luke 2:41-52). Jesus quoted the Scriptures often. He used them in His defense against the devil and against the hypocritical scribes and Pharisees, showing us how we, too, can defend ourselves by His Word.

Another reason to read the Word is that it makes life go much better. The Book of Psalms begins, “Happy is the man who does not walk in the advice of sinners... But his delight is in the law of Jehovah, and in His law he meditates day and night. And he shall be like a tree, planted by streams of waters, that brings forth its fruit in its time, and its leaf does not wither.” The Lord’s law teaches us how to steer away from the advice of sinners and instead to live a fruitful life.

The Word of God can be very sweet. “The judgments of the Lord are true; they are just altogether. More to be desired are they than gold, than much fine gold, and sweeter than honey and drops from the honeycomb” (Psalm 19:9-10). “How sweet are Thy sayings to my palate! More than honey to my mouth! Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path” (Psalm 119:103, 105). The Lord can give us peace and clarity while reading His Word, if we read it reverently. He and His angels can be especially close to us while we’re reading the Scriptures.

“Read the Word, and believe in the Lord, and you will see the truths that will belong to your faith and life. Everyone whose soul desires it can see the truths of the Word in light” (Apocalypse Revealed n. 224:3). May the Lord’s Word be a lamp to your feet and a light to your path.

As always, you are welcome to worship at the Kempton New Church at 10:00 A . M . any Sunday.

Rev. Lawson M. Smith

P.S. Our yearly “Autumn Weekends” booth will be open soon. Please stop by for good food and some visiting. Look for the blue signs in front of the red barn on Hawk Mountain Road. We’re open Saturdays and Sundays from 11:00 A.M. till 6:00 P.M., October 7 through 29, with hamburgers, soup, pumpkin pie, and other home-made food.