“These things I have spoken to you in parables, but the hour is coming when I will no more speak to you in proverbs, but will announce to you plainly concerning the Father.” - John 16:25
Kempton New Church

Christmas 2023

Dear Neighbor,

As we enter the Christmas season this year, consider, if you like, what Scripture says about Joseph. Joseph is described as a just man (Matt. 1:19). And we can see why.

When he learned that Mary was expecting a child that he was not the father of, he still sought to protect her from harm (Matt. 1:19).

He also faithfully followed the instruction of the angel of the Lord every time the angel appeared to Joseph. Joseph named the infant “Jesus” as the angel said (Matt. 1:25). He took Jesus and Mary to Egypt to save Jesus from Herod and then he returned to the land of Israel with Jesus and Mary after the threat had passed as the angel said (Matt. 2:13, 20-21).

We can see from Scripture that he was a caring father too. Joseph was described by Mary as grieving over the twelve-year-old Jesus when he went missing in Jerusalem (Luke 2:48). And it is reasonable to infer from Scripture that he was a just man in his occupation as a carpenter as well (Matt. 13:55).

The Lord in His providence knew exactly who to pick to support Mary and provide for Himself when He was born into the world as a little baby.

What an example to follow!

If you would like to learn more about how the Lord can lead us to live a just life, like Jospeh, consider visiting us at the Kempton New Church for services on Sunday mornings at 10:00 am. And if you would like to join us as we celebrate the birth of the Lord God our Savior Jesus Christ at our Christmas worship service, I would love to see you. It will be held on Christmas Eve — Saturday, December 24, at 5:00 P.M.

Merry Christmas!


Rev. Brett D. Buick