“The Lord God Jesus Christ reigns, whose kingdom shall be for ages of ages.” - True Christian Religion §791
Kempton New Church

July 2021

Dear Neighbor,

Having just celebrated the signing of the Declaration of Independence, it can be a good opportunity to reflect on freedom. In the Scriptures, Jesus teaches us that true freedom comes when we turn to Him so He can liberate us from sin. This is how He puts it in the Gospel of John:

Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed in Him, If you remain in My Word, you are truly My disciples, and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free. They answered Him, We are the seed of Abraham, and never served anyone; how sayest Thou, You shall become free? Jesus answered them, Amen, amen, I say to you that everyone doing sin is the servant of sin. (John 8:31-34)

It is interesting that in this exchange those who were speaking with Jesus asserted that they had never served anyone, that they had always been free. As the seed of Abraham, their ancestors had actually been enslaved for generations in Egypt. Even at the time of their exchange with Jesus they were under the rule of the Roman Empire. Sometimes we can look in the same way at sin we are caught up in—not realizing we have been serving it. The Word of the Lord will help us see when we may be doing this, and His truth will set us free!

If you would like to learn more about how the Lord Jesus Christ can set us free from sin, please feel free to give me a call (610-756-6140). And if you are looking for a place of worship and a religious community, please consider joining us in person on Sundays at 10:00 A.M. or watching a church service online at https://kemptonnewchurch.org/Worship/video.php.

Best wishes!


Rev. Brett D. Buick