Church Setup and Ushering:
If you are scheduled for duty and can’t be there, please get another usher to substitute for you.
(For special services, see instructions here: Instructions.
SETTING UP includes looking around - ensuring foyer, society room, and sanctuary are presentable.
DOORS: Unlock the front door, kitchen door, and the four north doors in the Society Room if not already unlocked. Use the allen-wrench key for each to hold down the push bars. Wrench for the front door hangs in the foyer closet, on left. Those for kitchen and north doors hang to the left of the kitchen door, up high.
LIGHTS: Turn on Society Room & sanctuary lights. Sanctuary switches are on the back-left sanctuary wall.
HEATING / COOLING: In cold weather, please do not change the thermostat (it’s automatic). In hot weather, if not already on, turn on the two air conditioners in the Society Room and the one/s in the sanctuary. (Instructions are on the wall near the sanctuary light switches.) In lovely weather, you can open the windows in both areas. In either lovely or hot weather, you can turn on the sanctuary ceiling fans (switches are near those for the lights). Use lowest setting for fan nearest the chancel because it otherwise makes candles sputter.
CHAIRS in the SOCIETY ROOM: Set up about four rows of folding chairs on each side of the aisle.
PLACE SOME WORSHIP BOOKS NEAR BENCHES in carpeted seating area in the Society Room.
NUMBER BOARDS: The minister will/should have put an order of service on the wall where the number boards are kept – on the chancel to the left. (There should also be one by the piano and the sound system; if you need to use one of these, be sure to return it.) Build four boards, one for each side of the chancel, and one for each side of the sanctuary doorways in the Society Room. Include the Sunday School tile when needed.
CANDLES – preparing them and having them lit and snuffed:
- If the candles seem too short, there are boxes of new ones you can replace them with – located in the cabinet on the left side of the chancel. Otherwise, remove excess wax if there is any, and make sure the candles are standing straight and sitting around the Word neatly.
- Candles should be lit before a lot of people have arrived for the service. This can be done by a girl from the usher’s family, or the usher can ask a girl from another family to do it. The candles can be put out by the same person after the service. Having her wait a few minutes before snuffing is nice for those congregants still sitting in contemplation.
MAKE SURE the BOTTOM of any FLOWER VASE is DRY – to protect the altar.
MINISTER’S KNEELER, CHAIR, and WATER: Make sure these are in place. The minister’s chair should be able to be seen by everyone. Put a glass of fresh water on the table behind it (glasses are in the kitchen).
TABLES and OFFERTORY BOWL: Put the two matching tables in front of the two pillars at the center sanctuary entrance. Place the carved offertory bowl (which may be in the vestry) on the right-hand table. Place the box of large-print Worship Books on the left-hand table. There will usually be slips of paper on the Worship Books table that duplicate the number boards. They are picked up by those who have trouble seeing the number boards.
WELCOME-LEAFLET BOXES: The two wooden leaflet boxes should be hung on the pillars above the tables mentioned just above.
KNEELING CUSHIONS when there is HOLY SUPPER: These are located in the cabinet to the left side of the chancel and in the minister’s vestry. The railing for the middle opening is also in the vestry.
COUNTING PEOPLE: Two counters and the attendance book are in the usher cabinet on the wall near the piano at the back of the church. Use one counter to count children and one to count adults (adults are college age and above). For a Holy Supper service, please note the total number of communicants – as a separate entry – in the attendance book. If you would like people to be able to identify you as an usher in case they have questions, you can wear the usher badge stored in the cabinet.
LATE ARRIVALS (at the end of the opening hymn): Try to keep people from entering the church during the opening of the Word and the saying of the Prayer. They should find a seat after worshippers have risen from kneeling.
BRINGING THE OFFERTORY FORWARD: During the hymn designated as the “Offertory” on the order of service, bring up the offertory, hand it to the minister, and bow your head. (You may ask another usher to bring the offertory forward, if desired). Stay at the rail until the minister has completed a silent prayer and set the bowl down.
- Put data into the attendance book, marking child and adult attendance in the appropriate columns. Enter the title of the service/sermon (found on the order of service), type of service, and the officiating minister.
- Return all number boards to their storage spot and put the numbers away.
- Close windows and turn off lights in the sanctuary.
- Set the ceiling fan controls as indicated by the sign above the knobs, which changes according to the season.
- Turn off all air conditioners – in the sanctuary and (two) in the Society Room.
- Place gold cover back over the Word.
- Make sure the candles have been put out.