“And the Spirit and the bride say, 'Come!' And let him who hears say, 'Come!' And let him who thirsts come. And whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely.” - Revelation 22:17
Kempton New Church

Week 3
Day 6


Psalms about the Vastation of the Church

The end of the Israelitish Church, and a new church

Psalm 78, part 2

Psalm 78, part 2
versestopicSummary of the Spiritual Sense
38-402The Lord forgave them.

And He remembered that they were flesh,

A wind that goes and does not return.

41-512Again they were seemingly converted when they recalled the miracles in Egypt, all of which involve the removal and dispersion of the hells from them. A recital of these [miracles].

And He turned to blood their rivers,

And their streams so that they could not drink.


He sent among them a flying swarm, and it devoured them;

And frogs, and they destroyed them.


And He gave their produce to the caterpillar,

And their toil to the locust.


He killed their vine with hail,

And their mulberry fig trees9 with heavy hail.


And He closed in their beast of burden with the hail,

And their livestock with embers.


He sent against them the fierceness of His anger, wrath, and indignation, and adversity,

A sending out of evil angels.

52-552The Lord thus led them into the land which was the seat of the church.

And He drove out the nations from before them,

And allotted them an inheritance by a cord10,

And made the tribes of Israel to inhabit their tents.

56-582Yet they backslid and worshiped another god.

And they provoked Him with their high places,

And made Him zealous with their carved images.

59-642,3Therefore they were forsaken by the Lord, and delivered over to their falsities and evils; this of themselves.

God heard, and was wroth,

And rejected Israel exceedingly;


And He abandoned the Habitation of Shiloh,

The Tabernacle which He inhabited among man.


And He gave His strength into captivity,

And His splendor into the hand of the adversary.

65-673Thus they were rejected.

And He rejected the tent of Joseph,

And the tribe of Ephraim He did not choose....

68-7211 Therefore a new church was instituted, which would worship the Lord, and which the Lord could lead.

And He chose David His servant,

And took him from the pens of the flock....


And he11 pastured them according to the integrity of his heart,

And led them by the understanding of the palms of his hands.

He sent against them the fierceness of His anger, wrath, and indignation, and adversity, a sending out of evil angels.

AC 357. It is not that Jehovah ever sends anger upon anyone, but that men bring it upon themselves; nor does He send evil angels among them, but man draws them to himself.

AC 6997:2. ...[I]t is a most general truth that all things come from God, thus evil things as well as good. But this most general truth, which must be taught to children, youths, and the simple, should afterward be enlightened, that is, by showing that evils are from man, though they appear as if from God, and that it is so said in order that they may learn to fear God, lest they should perish by the evils which they themselves do; and afterward may love Him; for fear must precede love in order that in love there may be holy fear. For when fear is instilled in love, it becomes holy from the holy of love; and then it is not fear of the Lord’s being angry and punishing, but lest they should act against good itself, because this will torment the conscience.

9In AC 7553:5, these trees are called sycomora, from a Greek word that means mulberry fig.

10Cords were used to measure a tract of land (see AC 9854:3).

11I.e., David, who represents the Lord (see AR 383)

Questions and Comments
  1. Why is it necessary for this psalm and the Word in general to sound as if God is angry? What good comes of this appearance, though it is not true?
  2. Does it seem to apply to our church, that we can have seen miracles or wonderful things the Lord has done for us and for people we love by His Heavenly Doctrine, and yet we end up worshiping another god?
  3. Why are “the successive [or stages of] vastation of the church,” “the church totally devastated, and its rejection,” and “the rejection of the Lord by the church,” such important, frequent topics in the Word?
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